Ellie Turns 2
Sometimes it is so hard to believe that a year goes by so fast — but it just does. Ellie’s book self is full of Dr. Seuss books and she loves the Cat in the Hat, so we ran with Thing 2 for her party theme, plus I just really …
Sometimes it is so hard to believe that a year goes by so fast — but it just does. Ellie’s book self is full of Dr. Seuss books and she loves the Cat in the Hat, so we ran with Thing 2 for her party theme, plus I just really …
I had planned to take Ellie back down to Mesa, AZ in February to visit Auntie La-La again this year since she was still considered a lap child. We had to postpone our dates just a bit and it worked out great that we were able to be down there …
We decided to give container gardening a shot this year – without much of a green thumb in the end.
It was a wonderful Easter holiday, with so much to take in: egg/pine cone hunt, egg dying, park playing, movie watching and …
These pictures will truly be treasured forever.
We went to the sports show last weekend and Ellie gravitated to the motorcycles. We finally found one she could sit on. …
It is always fun to snap some shots for Valentine’s Day – if only I could get her to smile.
So I was down in the basement preparing our spare bed for additional guests when the time comes and I hand Ellie …
It has been an exceptionally warm winter but we knew the cold and snow would eventually come.
We decided to go for a come back Tour of Turkey for Christmas and only stayed in each hometown one night which, …