Jackson is 12 months!
I am a little saddened to think that a whole year has passed already with a boy who has ran right from being a baby to being a toddler. It is so much fun to look back on all of the changes our last baby has made throughout the year – from 3 months to 6 months, 9 months and now a whole year since Jackson was born. Anything he sees Ellie do he is right behind her giving it a try. Already walking by eleven months and crawling onto the coffee table. I pray that we wont be experiencing the emergency room anytime soon. Here are a few notes to remember from months 10-12:
0 Months Old
- crawling up the stairs
- balancing on feet without holding on to anything
- balanced for three steps on own
- learning how to dance
- teething like crazy
1 Months Old
- flew to Arizona to visit Auntie Sherri
- discovered the cupboard that isn’t childproofed and love to empty it
- so close to walking
- already love to “play cars”
- made first object sound – what does a motorcycle say – you rumble your lips
- waved bye-bye when leaving for Grandma’s house
2 Months Old
- no more paci
- standing and walking on your own
- ready to play in the street
- loves all things boy – balls, sticks, sand, rocks and anything with wheels
- your “more please” sign has melded into one as you beat your chest with both fists
- weighs 20 lbs 3 oz ( 12%) and measures 30 in (54%)
More pictures of from the last 3 months
of our last baby.
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