Lefse Weekend 2014

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Well we were on the ball this year and were able to get our lefse makings in before Thanksgiving, but that was not the only surprise we had this year. In search for new places to roll it worked out perfectly that Trisha had just moved in to her first home and what better way to welcome her to the wonderful world of owning your own home than a good flour dusting – hey, at least it also comes with a good clean up crew.

Trisha throwing flour in her own home.
Trisha throwing flour in her own home.

Brian had some how scheduled his annual pheasant hunt for the same weekend, so I was left to gather the small girl, the baby boy, the dog named Kip, and my part of the lefse making list. Needless to say I forgot a few things. Kinda important things like Kips food and the lefse recipe. But I knew we could always rely on Darcy, our lefse making matriarch for the recipe, who is only a phone call away – or so we thought.

Surprise! We are here to roll and we have the recipe!

Surprise rollers saved the day.
Surprise rollers saved the day.

As you can imagine it was a wonderful surprise and the extra help came in handy. We started with three batches again this  year and were able to roll out 23 dozen, which is five more than we did last year.

Reese and Ellie learning how to roll.
Reese and Ellie learning how to roll.
Wrestling with cousins.
Wrestling with cousins.
Who's shoe print is this?
Who’s shoe print is this?

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It is awesome that we have built these family traditions (Memorial Day Camp and Lefse Weekend) where we can gather to share memories and make new ones. I just love watching Ellie dog pile with her cousins and Jackson being passed among those that love us so. It makes me wonder if this is what life was like when I was their age. I am so very glad for these times and look forward to seeing everyone again in the spring.

More rolling pictures.

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