Camp Cook Lake 2013
We have found a new favorite camping spot — Cook Lake just north of Sundance, WY. But we recommend you get there on a Friday afternoon to get a good spot. It was so peaceful to be right by the small lake that was perfect for a little fishing. And since it was in Wyoming, we could have camp fires.
Jessica, Donnie, Coulter and Donnie Jr. met us there with their camping and fishing gear. Since we didn’t have WY fishing license, Donnie helped Ellie catch a few fish. Then they all walked up the creek and caught some trout worth cooking up on the spot. We even played a friendly little game of Frisbee which Ellie turned into sit on the Frisbee and before we left we were able to take site of a beaver swimming by. I tell ya, camping is awesome!
More Pics from Camp Cook Lake
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