It’s Hot in the City

I had planned to take Ellie back down to Mesa, AZ in February to visit Auntie La-La again this year since she was still considered a lap child. We had to postpone our dates just a bit and it worked out great that we were able to be down there when Sherri was going in for a minor surgery — so we stayed longer this time.

It was nice and hot and we still had plenty of time to shop, swim, eat, feed the geese, walk with Lu-Lu and dance in the streets. Sherri even let us drive around in her Mustang while she was in bed resting to go up and visit Great Auntie Carol, Uncle Raymond and Ann’s family.

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Not certain what the airfare will be like next year, but if we can make it, we will be there again next spring. I’m sure my lap and the people sitting next to us might appreciate it.



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