Around About in Idaho
All summer long we have been getting some strange looks when we’ve told people we were going to Idaho for two weeks with the question of “why Idaho?”. Well, we didn’t really know why Idaho other then it was some state we haven’t seen before and it seemed like we could pull a camper and be there in two days.
After having driven through the entire state of Idaho, from north to south to east, we can say that we were amazed at what Idaho is really like. It is said to be the potato state but we didn’t see many potato fields until we got to the Teton Valley. Idaho is filled with mountains, lakes, trees, rivers, gorges, hay fields, lava fields and sand dunes. That is a lot in one state and if you are ever planning a trip, pack your bicycles as there are “extensive biking systems” in almost every community.
We didn’t mind the beauty of the states we pass through on our way there (Montana) and back (Wyoming) either. After driving 2600 miles and living within 190 square feet for two weeks, we were glad to be home.