3D Pictures @ 20 Weeks

Here are the pictures from our 20 week appointment that we had this afternoon. No, we didn’t accidentally see any of the gender identifying parts but we could make out 10 fingers and toes, a nose, mouth, ears, eyes, legs, etc. along with all of the vital organs that seem to be in working condition. We even were able to see it move quite a bit, but I have yet to feel any of the action, as my abs of steel and other tissues are in the way. =]

The ultrasound counted the heart rate at 143 and the baby at around 10 ounces. The doc is still hanging on the 140’s with no specific number for the heart rate and has me clocked at a 10 pound weight gain—not quite a heavy weight contender yet, but I am guessing it will catch up in the next 5 months. I guess you could say I am starting to show, but I see a snapshot of how I looked in college—a little on the round side. Still holding out on using Kate’s maternity clothes, but they are here ready for action (thanks Kate!).

Everything is good and we still have the due date set at June 13 ± 4 days. The nurse taking the pictures asked if we had the nursery ready yet and I laughed. Brian is doing a great job working on the basement so we can move the guest bed downstairs and make room for everything that goes in a nursery. But we still have plenty of time.

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